Hariharan Naganathan

Research Interests
Dr. Hariharan Naganathan is currently an assistant professor at the construction management program at the school of management. Dr. Hari also worked at Missouri State University and the University of Central Missouri before joining Wentworth in summer 2020. Dr. Hari did his Ph.D. in civil engineering at Arizona State University, emphasizing energy analytics for institutional buildings, and his Masters in Civil engineering at the University of Kansas emphasized Transportation sustainability. His research focuses on sustainability, energy analytics, AI in construction education, and advanced construction technologies in the construction classroom. Dr. Hari published 12 journal articles and several conference proceedings and presented them at different conferences. Dr. Hari was also invited for several seminars internationally to present advanced technologies in the construction industry. In his teaching, He also holds a LEED Green Associate certificate and is also a certified QM educator. Dr. Hari currently works on introducing advanced technologies in classroom education and teaches through VR and AR technologies in selected courses.