Mami Wentworth

“Learn math by doing math.” I am a firm believer in active learning, in which students learn by engaging in the class material, exploring ideas deeply, and collaborating with peers. My responsibility as an instructor in the classroom, therefore, is to be a facilitator of student learning by providing guidance for students to make appropriate progress, reminding them that struggle is a part of the learning process, and supporting them in their learning journey.
I’ve been teaching the Calculus sequence as well as Differential Equations in the past several years. My colleagues and I developed in-class curriculums for these courses that encourage and emphasize conceptual understanding of the course material in a series of inquiry-based learning questions.
My recent research interest includes studying students’ mindset about learning and about mathematics, and how these mindsets influence their behaviors in and outside the classrooms. My goal is to develop strategies that help students be more engaged in their own learning process.