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Faculty & Staff Directory, Architecture & Design

Faculty and Staff
Showing 49 - 60 of 135 results
Wentworth Leopard Icon

Neil Daniel

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Stephanie DeMarco Bartlett

Adjunct Instructor, Industrial Design, School of Architecture & Design

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Richard Desjardins

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Gul Dogusan Alexander

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Aaron Double

Adjunct Instructor, Industrial Design, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Rami El Samahy

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

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Jenny Elkus

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Jeffrey Elsbecker

Adjunct Instructor, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design

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Adrian Fehrmann

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

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Adriana Fernandez

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

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Maria Ferrari

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design

Wentworth Leopard Icon

Elaine Forbush

Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Design